Place the body weight on the Roller in between the hip crest and the bony Greater Trochanter, find the “soft spot” (top hand on the hip, fingers into the squishy part)
Keep the leg on the Roller relaxed, bend the knee
Roll North-to-South and East-to-West
On a Trigger Point – raise the bottom leg slightly, lengthen, flex the foot. Hold for 5 seconds, then gently relax
Iliotibial (IT) Band:
Lift up and over the boney part – (Greater trochanter)
Keep both legs bent and relaxed
Gently roll towards the knee North-to-South and East-to-West
On a Trigger Point – lift, lengthen, hold for 5 seconds, gently relax
Roll over the front of the thigh
Roll North-to-South and East-to-West towards the knee joint (NEVER OVER IT)
On a Trigger Point – bend at the knee and curl heel to butt, hold for 5 seconds, then gently relax
Roll East-to-West for cross-frictioning/cross-fibering